Festival of Native Arts 2022


This year’s Festival of Native Arts will be streaming to you live on March 25th and 26th! Visit our Facebook page to learn about the students behind the event, stay up to date on what’s going on, and join us for the main event – a celebration of Culture, Land, and Future.

Festival of Native Arts 2022 Logo This year’s logo was designed by Heidi Worley!

Heidi was born in Fairbanks as a second-generation Alaskan. Her grandmother homesteaded in the area when she was 16 years old, and her grandfather moved to Fairbanks in the 1940’s. Heidi’s parents raised her in the Mat-Su Valley where she spent her summers camping, horseback riding, and fishing the rivers and lakes. Autumn brought an annual trip to the old family cabin outside of Denali National Park to pick blueberries and cranberries. In winter, her family would get together for a trip out on their snow machines through areas of Cantwell, Eureka or Peter’s Creek.

As an adult, Heidi returned to Fairbanks in 2015 where she took care of her grandfather’s property and settled roots. She is a self-taught artist who enjoys crafting with her hands, working with mediums of acrylic and watercolor, sculpting, jewelry making, fabric crafting and digital art. She has always had a fascination and appreciation for the wilderness, wildlife and culture of Alaska. Much of her artistic inspiration is drawn from the rich environment of her home state and is reflected in her work. She has often submitted art pieces to the Alaska State Fair and Tanana Valley Fair and has received an assortment of awards for her pieces.

Heidi was part of the committee that successfully brought the Boreal Bigfoot Expo to Pioneer Park in September of 2021 and looks forward to helping organize future expos again in the coming years. She currently works for a local utility company and when she’s not dabbling on an art project, she is often out with her dog walking Creamer’s Field and hiking local trails or networking with fellow artists and enthusiasts in her fields of interest.

Call for Submissions

Our Dance Group submission period has been extended! To be considered, fill out the form below by March 13th, 2022.

Dance Videos

We will be awarding dance performance groups $50 – $500 for their time and energy sharing their art with us and will be featuring dances on social media and our website.

Apply to have your dance group featured at https://forms.gle/kpt87sDeCRW9ATobA